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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Newport, Block and everything in between

Upper Bay: you will be limited to school sized stripers at dawn and dusk (still awesome on light tackle)! Small patterns and lures will be best. There are also some mid range blues to be had throughout the day.  Scup can also be taken on the fly but rigs will be your go-to.

Newport: Bass are there, dawn and dusk being your better bet but can be taken mid day with extra effort and some patience. EP flies. Sand eel patterns, poppers, deceiver and clousers are must haves. Spin gear, use some swimmers and metal, and if you have fresh bait, you should do fine!  Fluke and sea bass continue to be a great daytime fishery out to 100ft depths.

Block: big bass, some days were great, other times nights were best. Call for the inside scoop as this changes daily. If you want your chance at big bass, this is where you want to be.  Average fish is in the mid 30 lb range with many over 40 being caught.  My schedule is limited for these trips and I am only booking up through the end of August.

Cape cod: best bet is to get in on a local captain for a half day trip if you want stripers. I will be doing full days in September for the Albacore and Bonito but for the limited hours, I recommend you call the Laura-Jay (if they are even still open for available charters) for half day trips.

I am also still taking names for tuna trips when they get in striking distance. The stick boats have had a great season with giants so let's hope their little brothers show close for some top water and jigging action! They were in off block a couple weeks ago so now it's just a matter of time!

In other words, pick your species and lets get after them! Remember, if you have larger groups, I can help arrange for other quality captains to get involved so you have the best day on the water!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Summary and next steps

Well we enter July with great expectations; Fish are moving south out of the bay (although there are sill some being caught), Newport has been doing extremely well with certain techniques and now Block Island is the place to be.  The Block has been getting a great run of 40+ lb bass and with most of them released, there is a great chance for the next person to land one.

Fly: There is a great mix of small baits as well and the old standby fly patterns will work just fine. Intermediate lines up to 350 on windy days works great. Bring some old flies too, as the Blues are mixed in the schools. Deceivers, Clousers, sand eel patterns and EP flies work great.

Swimmer and small topwater plugs have produced decent fish. As the sun comes up, getting deeper is the ticket.

Bottom fishing is great right now as well as long as you can find new waters. The popular spots have been worked over pretty well and the quality is not as good.  Either way, a day on the water is still a great day so don't delay!

Call me if I can get you on the water!

Capt. Brian

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Getting through the 4th with all the Works

This has been my company's best early season thus far. To have fish as close as we did, for as long as we did was just remarkable. If you were one of the lucky ones to have been on a local trip and saw what we saw, put it in your journal as I am going to do. These seasons don't happen often and when they happen to another person, you shake their hand and ask them to send the fish your way next year. We were that person this season.
The temperatures are creeping up to the point where we start to look further south (although there are still great reports of mid bay fish - passed along from friends so they are off limits to charters). Newport and Block Island are heating up so all those boats that had to travel to us now get a fuel break and we will switch spots.

The good: Lots of smaller baits working the area so the fish have a wider diet to choose from.  The winds are dying down this weekend so we can all get out and explore a little more.  Things will start improving in all areas such as fly, light tackle, spin, fluke, blues and the early morning striper bite.  Block got its first flurry of 50's so that is the go to spot for the consistent fish. If you want in on that trip, I am out to August already so please call ASAP!

The cons: Temperatures keep creeping up and the fishing reports in some otherwise steady spots are not staying to steady.  You must move and stay on top of them, learn the tides and the the wind and you will increase your chances.

On a side note, my albie and bonito list is now up to 27 people so if you want to get that phone call when they show, you better get me an email or a phone call so I can get as many of you on them before the weekenders find us!